Green ways to go back to school


We all know instilling good habits is easiest when we’re young, so more and more parents and educators are working to make kids aware of the importance of caring for our planet. As kids get ready to return to school in the fall here are some simple tips to encourage sustainable habits and support a healthy environment….and healthy kids!

Start with the basics. Remind kids to turn off the lights in the bathroom or any unoccupied room at home and at school. Encourage them to throw away any trash they find on the school playground, tell them to use both sides of their notebook paper, and suggest that they save unused chalk and art supplies.

Lunch break. Pack kids’ lunches in lunch pails or canvas bags instead of throwaway paper bags. Consider re-using plastic sandwich bags, or only using durable plastic containers. Be sure containers are safe however, as some plastic lunch boxes contain harmful toxins such as PVCs (read the Center for Health, Environment and Justice’s PVC back to school guide here). You can also try to find creative ways to re-purpose items in your home.

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